The Cam Newton Signing Is A Win/Win Situation For The Patriots

Many Patriots fans were looking forward to seeing second-year quarterback take over the starting job entering the 2020 season. Last nights signing of Cam Newton obviously presents a major obstacle, but this can only be a positive for the Patriots. Bill Belichick is setting up an epic, can’t lose training camp battle that the Patriots will reap the rewards from.

If Stidham is truly the Patriots best option at quarterback, he will be able to beat out Cam Newton and win the job and will be extremely confident heading into the season. If not, we will could end up with a highly motivated Cam Newton, who will be looking for a new contract at the end of next season. This could put the Patriots back in Super Bowl contention. Stidham would also get another season to learn behind a former MVP, and that certainly can not hurt him.

With so much in doubt for the upcoming season it can’t hurt to have two capable quarterbacks either. The Patriots are only giving Cam Newton the league minimum with the rest of his contract being incentive based. Time will tell how much Belichick believes in Stidham, but it is also possible we never see him as the starting quarterback with the Patriots well positioned for free agency in 2021. Regardless of who wins the starting job at the end of training camp, the Patriots will be in a much better position to contend. Let the best man for the job win.