A Great White Shark Was Spotted Close To Shore At Plum Island


A great white shark was seen swimming close to the shore of Plum Island last weekend. Great whites do not normally go this far north. It is certainly enough to keep beachgoers along the North shore and New Hampshire seacoast even more aware of their surroundings this summer.

Michael Lemire of Ipswich spotted a great white shark during a family fishing trip Saturday, according to The Boston Globe. He made sure to shoot a short clip for posterity before sharing it on Facebook.

“A picture is worth a thousand words. You can say you saw something but no one will believe it unless they see it, too,” Lemire told the Globe.

Numerous shark sightings have been recorded off the coast of Massachusetts this season, mainly off the coast of Cape Cod.

Sharks are much more commonly sighted in the seal-rich waters of Cape Cod, but the Plum Island visitor marks the second sighting there within three days, according to shark researcher John Chisholm.

“It makes sense that they saw the sharks there because there is a lot of bait and striped bass up there right now, and we typically see these smaller sharks feeding on schools of fish,” Chisholm told the Globe.

“This is a good reminder that all of Massachusetts’ coast is home to great white sharks,” Chisholm said. “From Buzzards Bay to Cape Cod and up to the North Shore, that’s all great white habitat.”