A Massachusetts Man Was Trapped Inside A Humpback Whales Mouth Earlier Today Off The Cape And Was Luckily Spit Out

A Massachusetts man has the mother of all fish stories after he claims he was stuck inside a whale’s mouth for 30 seconds earlier today before being promptly spit out. Michael Packard of Welfleet, is a commercial lobster diver. He was a little banged up Friday morning after he says he was briefly caught in the mouth of a humpback whale off the coast of Provincetown.”

“I was completely inside the whale; it was completely black,” he told the Cape Cod Times. “I thought to myself, ‘There’s no way I’m getting out of here. I’m done, I’m dead. All I could think of was my boys, they’re 12 and 15 years old.” He thought he was inside a great white shark, but when he didn’t feel any teeth, he figured it was something else. He then noticed the whale begin to rock its head to each side.. Within 30 to 40 seconds,  the whale surfaced and spat him out.