Video: Fishermen Spot Two Deer Swimming A Mile Off the Coast of Nantucket

Now there is something you don’t see every day. Two local Nantucket fisherman spotted a pair of deer swimming a mile off the coast.

According to the Nantucket Current, on Monday morning, fishermen spotted antlers bobbing in the waves. They approached the animals and began recording a video.

One of the fishermen told the Current: “We were racing out to go fishing that day and we were five to 10 minutes from where we wanted to be, and one of the guys said ‘slow down!’ Right away he recognized what it was. We circled back around and tried to guide them to shore.”

Deer are actually excellent swimmers thanks to their strong leg muscles, hooves, and toes, and can reach speeds of 15 mph in the water. It’s not uncommon to cross lakes, rivers, and even ocean water in search of food.