Mixed Drinks Are Now Available For Take-Out And Delivery In Massachusetts

Massachusetts is trying something new to help out struggling bars and restaurants.

Gov. Charlie Baker signed the legislation on Monday. Restaurants will be allowed to sell mixed drinks to go until the state of emergency is lifted or Feb. 28, 2021, whichever comes later. Restaurants are already allowed to sell beer and wine with food orders.

“While many mom and pop establishments have been able to slowly reopen in recent weeks, they still face significant challenges in their efforts to retain employees and pay their bills,” said State Sen. Diana DiZoglio, who filed the legislation. “According to our local, family owned and operated restaurants, these measures could help them generate thousands of dollars a month and would greatly assist them in paying utility bills and rent.”

Local businesses have been severely impacted by COVID-19, and cocktails to-go provide an economic lifeline as they work to recover,” said Jay Hibbard of the Distilled Spirits Council. “We applaud Gov. Baker for signing cocktails to-go into law and for supporting Massachusetts businesses.”

Under the legislation, mixed drinks sold with takeout or delivery food orders must be in sealed containers and placed in the trunk or non-passenger compartments of the vehicle.

Now I hate to be a downer here, I think it is great to support your local businesses, but who is going to pay for a drink when they can make them at home for a fifth of the price? The whole idea of paying considerably extra for a drink at a bar or restaurant is to cover the ambience or entertainment. In this time of great uncertainty people need to be wise with their spending and help where they can. With that said, I will be taking mixology lessons on YouTube and making my drinks at home.